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melroy Admin

Software Engineer & DevOps Architect. Mbin contributor (and creator of the fork).

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More 128TB SSDs are coming as almost no one noticed this launch — another SSD controller that can support up to 128TB appeared paving the way for HDD-beating capacities ( )

More 128TB SSDs are coming as almost no one noticed this launch — another SSD controller that can support up to 128TB appeared paving the way for HDD-beating capacities::Phison quietly revealed an updated X2 SSD platform at CES

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

don't exaggerate. Stores 2 AAA games.

is Wine with -O3 and -march=native a placebo?

For nerd purposes I've been trying to custom compile Wine to see if i can squeeze some performance out of it, i pulled out the -g flag and put in its place -O3 with march native. i don't know how to benchmark properly to see if there at least a marginal gain, so idk if it is a placebo or not. tried to search for articles in the...

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

I think the position of the moon and the sun and the relationship between the two has more effect

uhrbaan , to Fediverse avatar

@fediverse Fediverse user growth jumped to ~50'000'000 users. What happened ?
The FediDB Fediverse User Growth graph shows a significant jump in user count in February. Software distribution is also 81% other, and the biggest server is with 39 million users ! What happened ?

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

@uhrbaan spam..?

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

The reason I don't wanna use flatpack

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

good ;) I knew what it was, but I think it can be very helpful for others.

melroy Admin ,
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melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

The AI is claimed to be local.. Did you know that even local AIs are able to contact the internet again? So without knowing a local LLM system might execute some HTTPS calls for you, without knowing.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Because this person is gaming behind his (she I think?) desk 24/7. Didnt shower for 2 weeks. And never met anybody in the past 4 months.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

/me stil trying to get MS Office working under Wine.. But this Wine under Wayland is great news! I'm the developer of WineGUI so I'm in!

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Yea indeed.. I try to get MS Office 2019 working.. Which is... challenging. Just installing msxxml6 & riched20 won't do it.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Ps. And don't get me started on Office 2021.

Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus ( )

The business arm of Raspberry Pi is preparing to make an initial public offering (IPO) in London. CEO Eben Upton tells Ars that should the IPO happen, it will let Raspberry Pi's not-for-profit side expand by "at least a factor of 2X." And while it's "an understandable thing" that Raspberry Pi enthusiasts could be concerned,...

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

They always say there is no change after IPO.. But there always is..

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

No Amazon does not terminate the deal, the EU did. Because otherwise Amazon will have too much power over the robot industry.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

True story. I hate all those cloud devices, which can run perfectly locally. And doesn't require a subscription. I even see it back in cars nowadays, stupid subscriptions.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

That is for sure... I don't trust Amazon for a bit..

melroy OP Admin ,
melroy avatar

Thanks for your reply. I was planning to get glibc indeed, I also use Steam so... musl is not yet an option for me (too bad).

melroy OP Admin ,
melroy avatar
melroy OP Admin ,
melroy avatar

I fully understand it indeed. Fedora is nice as well! The only down-side is maybe it's sponsored by RedHat.. But I digress ;P

What is going on with kbin - a week has passed with no sign of any life ( )

I know some of you consider this as documented whining. I hear you but won't stop sharing my opinion and reminding. I recommend continuing commenting on the original post to keep it a bit organized (this post is a link to it)...

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

This is exactly the reason I forked kbin in the past, the fork is community-focused called Mbin.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

It's a long story.. I did help Ernest / Kbin for quite a while actually. Feel free to contribute to kbin.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

I'm going to move to Void Linux soon as well! I'm very excited.

But I did saw this simple ln -s (symlink) between the /etc/sv folder and /var/services. But who is maintaining / creating those runit files? The Void community? What if something is indeed missing?

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar
melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

I still hate flatpaks a tiny bit.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Due to the big size of all the packages and package dependencies (which also need regular updates) and yet another package manager. I already have APT on Linux Mint, I do not want Flatpak (and also not snap).

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Another reason to move to Linux ;P

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Try Linux Mint with XFCE. I don't see this RAM usage issue at all. I have Firefox open with several other apps in the background again running XFCE with Linux Mint (Based on Ubuntu), it's using 1.9GB RAM total (thus below the 2GB).

TIL: Using Inkscape instead of GIMP

I used to work with Photoshop for years (industry standard, I thought). Moving to Linux, GIMP was the next to go logical step. I was never good in manually drawing vectors or embracing the vector image manipulation tooling in general which I regret now that I didn't move to Inkscape from day one. Yes, I used Inkscape back and...

melroy OP Admin ,
melroy avatar

Thanks! I will also watch some of those videos of Martin. I really hope Inkscape will have more improvements in the upcoming months/years.

melroy OP Admin ,
melroy avatar

Gimp is a great tool actually, but only works with pixels. Yes it's a manipulation program, it's in the name: GNU Image Manipulation Program. Vector images are a dead-end with Gimp.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

The current AI generation tools, are tools and are still unable to replace people, simply because AI's do not know all the requirements, do not have the over-all overview, it still makes mistakes (even if you think the code is good or even working), it's not very creative. AI needs constant instructions as well.. So in general I'm not afraid at all of these current AIs. It's just a tool... like an editor or stackoverflow for support Q&A.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

As if AI is trying to replicate the humans behavior. Then again, I still see GenAI as a tool and not as a replacement for humans. Until at some singularity point in time maybe..

I do believe some jobs might disappear, which are jobs nobody really wanted anyway (sorry). But at the same time, new jobs will arise with new technology just like with the the computer, internet, smartphones, etc..

Adblock: Google did not slow down and lag YouTube performance with ad blocker on - Neowin ( )

Adblock: Google did not slow down and lag YouTube performance with ad blocker on - Neowin::According to several user reports online, Google was apparently slowing YouTube down if it detected adblockers. However, Adblock has now confirmed that such is not the case at all.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Spoiler: Governments will also follow you across the whole web, not just porn.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Or we just download Tor and be done with this non-sense.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

You have the same problem with Steam already for years.. I mean you do not have a physical copy anymore. In fact if Steam is down, you might not be able to download, play or play multiplayer. So you own nothing and be happy - WEF.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

I did thought you were crazy in the past indeed. Since digital is the future, right? It might still is, but for some reason all game studios, producers and distributors like ubisoft or steam just create bad software/games. Where you need 24/7 internet connection and doesn't allow you to own a digital offline copy of the product. It's not just games.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Nope.. Some games will fail to start if the "main" server is down or some authentication server or whatever server it nowadays might depend on. So even if you install a game now and let it rest of years, the changes it will start again over 10 years is very low. I'm not even talking about multiplayer, since multiplayer will be definitively broken by then. And LAN features are no longer implemented by game devs.

I do agree that gamepass will only make matters worse.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Some games might work fine, I mentioned "some" game will fail. Especially if they require you to login first to some kind of auth. server.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

I think it also had to do something with Google Assistant that get replaced by LLMs, as stated in the article.

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