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vintprox , to Test Magazine
vintprox avatar

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  • vintprox OP ,
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    test reply on mbin 1

    vintprox OP ,
    vintprox avatar

    @melroy OK, it seems like the post with underlying thread of replies disappears from the Microblog tab in /m/testing when author removes their parent post, but it's still accessible here by URL and says "deleted_by_author". I think all is fine except "deleted_by_author" part :)))

    vintprox , to Test Magazine
    vintprox avatar

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  • vintprox OP ,
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    test reply 1

    vintprox OP ,
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    test subreply 1

    vintprox OP ,
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    test reply 2

    retoor , (edited ) to dR Bulletin Board

    Hi all,

    I want to do a code competition. It's a fight between stacks. Which one is the best?
    The idea is to write a devrant clone in your stack and see how far you'll get in 8hrs.
    These 8hrs are pure for coding and testing. IT DOESN'T INCLUDE:

    • setting up tooling (installing python / npm)
    • configuring repository
    • docker configuration (if you want to use it)

    How to join: write a comment with the tooling you're about to use (python, node, js, ruby or whatevs) and how far you think you'll get.
    Extra: 8hrs is of course nothing, but we can extend this hackaton with 8hr a few times.

    vintprox Mod ,
    vintprox avatar

    @joewilliams007, 4 days ago:

    i will use node, as i want it to be fast (unlike python🫣 ahmm ahm). And i expect to get login going and rant posting.

    vintprox Mod ,
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    vintprox Mod ,
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    vintprox Mod ,
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    How to post your devRant clone

    It is pretty simple.

    1. Add new thread page is where you can fill all needed fields.

    2. Use a unique name for your application - it must not nonchalantly use the word "devRant", as it is taken and is a trademark. Append | devRant Clone to that, and your title is ready!

    3. Fill out the body with optional, but contextually interesting, information and links:

      My synopsis of what my application does that resembles devRant.
      - Used tech stack
      - Used data
      - It took me <?> hours
      - What is different
      - Demo
      - Screencast
      - Source code
      - Screenshots come in the comments below
    4. Paste the tags: devrant drcj jam hackathon entry

    5. Mark your work as OC, if all qualities specific to a devRant clone were implemented by you and you only.

    6. Attach an image before submitting. It may be your main page or whatever makes the thread appealing and unique.

    7. Press "Add new thread" button to publish!

    8. Post additional screenshots via comments below, if any.

    We Distribute is launching a Fediverse-themed podcast, but we don't know what to call it.

    Hey! So, TL;DR, we’ve been putting in a lot of work to make a podcast for the Fediverse, to go along with our news articles. There’s just so much cool stuff happening, and we feel that a podcast format can capture aspects of this that regular articles can’t....

    vintprox Mod , to dR Bulletin Board
    vintprox avatar

    Retoor on posts "I miss who I was 20 sec ago" video with Lego Derek wanking off under the blanket.

    Me the same day:

    That made me realize: We need a horny jail sticker. Yep!

    vintprox OP Mod , (edited )
    vintprox avatar

    Share on devRant - click & save!


    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    Pretty much same thing. I want niche creators to see that their content is appreciated (in lack of paid subscription), and Piped with a bunch of other frontends are simply not a way for this.

    vintprox Mod , to dR Bulletin Board
    vintprox avatar

    😂 I hope it's not Windows.

    I think I managed to accidentally call up the right-click menu on the subway turnstile.

    FlorisBoard | FOSS keyboard that respects your privacy ( )

    I came across everyday topic on Techlore Discussions about free and open source keyboards for Android and discovered this little gem. It is FlorisBoard, a virtual keyboard for Android which respects privacy of the user. I can sigh with relief and finish my search for that singular keyboard for typing stuff on the go....

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    I hope to impose a better question: why would it not cost the developer? $25 may be a steal for some, but I don't think a proprietary store really deserves so much attention from primarily FOSS developer.

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    Sadly, not yet. (Also missing this feature.)

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    What you guys call "swipe typing" is actually a glide typing, right?

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    This is terrible news. :( Sorry to hear that work makes you download from proprietary store front. I suppose, expecting phones with LineageOS, CalyxOS, GrapheneOS, etc given for work purposes is a bit much at this moment, but at least side-loading should be provided if we're to avoid monopoly. To me, it's never healthy if organization is fixated on using only the single app kit for everything.

    FlorisBoard | FOSS keyboard that respects your privacy ( )

    I came across everyday topic on Techlore Discussions about free and open source keyboards for Android and discovered this little gem. It is FlorisBoard, a virtual keyboard for Android which respects privacy of the user. I can sigh with relief and finish my search for that singular keyboard for typing stuff on the go....

    melroy Admin , to Privacy
    melroy avatar

    I saw today the infamous pop-up of YouTube again that they will block the video player after 2 more videos if I keep using uBlock Origin. ** Google.

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    @melroy This is stupid YouTube... Anyway, if you're on the legs, try Grayjay for Android. 😉👍

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    Still a hot garbage with Mull, but sometimes bearable.

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    It will just keep reactivating battery optimization, at least it's what I see on Samsung.

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    Haha, well... It's a Samsung Galaxy from Android 10 era and, apparently, it has terrible Settings. Whenever I try to say "Don't optimize" on any app, it changes the label, but only for a brief moment, which effectively does not turn off any optimization.

    SidTheITGuy , (edited ) to dR Bulletin Board


    Hey Everyone, I am Sid. I primarily work with NodeJS and Laravel and I have 7 years of experience at the time of writing this.
    I have a YouTube channel where I post tutorials.

    Other ways you can reach me:

    vintprox Mod ,
    vintprox avatar

    @SidTheITGuy Welcome: happy viewers and good time for you! 😉

    vintprox , (edited )
    vintprox avatar

    I think some people don't give any room to breathe to projects that just want major contributors be paid, even when, as you rightfully say, XMPP had the same compatibility struggles in its infancy as Matrix implementations now have.

    So far, there is a lot of FUD around newer protocol and that it lacks in openness. But if you look again, it recognizes versions and differences between them in the specification. Every MSC proposal covers the context of change and recommendations to implement, while keeping backwards-compatibility with older software in mind. If you make a proposal, it will be reviewed. If you need someone else besides Spec Core Team members to move it forward, flag to you - fork. But I rather prefer this model in upstream than beating around the bush and electing someone who might have lost an idea of why they are still in the project.

    /kbin Road to Release devlog series ( )

    From today, I'm starting a small series of daily devlogs where I'll be describing the changes being implemented before the official release of the first version of /kbin. As I mentioned earlier, I had some minor turbulence in my private life from which I'm slowly emerging. I have partially stabilized my life situation in various...

    /kbin current code changes
    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    @ernest, please. All they need is commits, PRs and comments that add something. True, dev work is full of cool updates and reporting, but it crosses roads with other mundane activities. Devlog is probably going to drain you more than it's worth, so I hope you'll build your priorities straight.

    Let's be open: I'm only making a press-kit for Mbin recently (and nothing much) just after being introduced to the fork as a result of @melroy migrating. It's a crazy amount of reviewed and merged pull requests, which I couldn't dream of committing nor reviewing in detail. There is simply a lot that can be done with community harnessing the project. No way this fork would be considered serious if it were to feed everyone with blog updates. At this point, your words set up a head start. It's a matter of whether it will start: will these old habits offer something that was not served already? (Big downtimes happen to be one of those things...)

    No idea if any competition will take place - again, introduction to a fork was ever so sudden, making me wonder if it didn't have to come to this. In any case, whatever we continue doing I hope remains healthy for the wider community of contributors and users. Thank you for returning! 🤝

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    Hello! I had the same question and I've got a perspective from one fellow contiributor: Matrix thread. (There'll probably be an error when you first open it: join the room with your account and try my link once more.)

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    In retrospective, it's a practical decision to move away from downtimes, especially seeing as development is so rapid now.

    We might do a mirror to Codeberg to avoid a complete dependency on GitHub, while accepting PRs on the side. Priorities tell us to postpone this idea in favor of long-awaited changes and fixes, though! 😉

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    A fun story: I was curating my magazine on Melroy's instance and didn't butt heads with any regression when he switched from Kbin to Mbin. Nice to see priorities set straight on migration!

    vintprox , to dR Bulletin Board avatar

    deserves a set of more performant and native applications than being attributed to a page in 's playbook. Stay with me: are we really just going to blindly accept flaws of this messenger and promote it at the same time?

    The fact that it only has got to the head of Discord it's long overdue to verify this popular distribution, I think, is worth a comment on itself, but I'll digress. It is nice that enthusiasts made arrangements for this verification and I have zero disagreements with the result. I'm just stupified that, in all this effort, Discord is treated like some spoon-fed royal baby - at least, according to reactions I see.

    So, what was it... Flathub already had a library of nice actively developed before these news. I don't see the point in exaggerating the scales on some centralized chat thingabob with well-known and problems, that's all. Thank you for visiting my talk! ❤

    vintprox Mod ,
    vintprox avatar

    Discord is not a knowledge base

    You need to consider your own website first, Mbin/Lemmy second.

    vintprox OP ,
    vintprox avatar

    Confirmed: for some reason, Mbin doesn't collect OpenGraph data from fellow Mbin link. HTTP response has null on title, description and image fields.

    I really feel like the reddit Godot community just sucks ass.

    There’s so much negativity and fighting and shit talking in the comments over there. It’s like some people have a personal goal of making others look stupid in comparison to themselves and they just try as hard as possible to rub it in if they know something you don’t....

    vintprox ,
    vintprox avatar

    You know when some people are just inferior: despite many communities going on a protest and being marked as private, each of members suspecting nothing or drowning others remains a priority...

    vintprox Mod , to dR Bulletin Board
    vintprox avatar

    Custom CSS updates | dR Bulletin Board

    Whenever you visit , you will see slight changes in the header. I moved instance's home link to the right to prevent any accidental exits. And there is now a solid icon just in case.

    If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a reply.

    vintprox OP Mod , (edited )
    vintprox avatar

    After some work by contributors of to introduce an indication of magazine in the top bar, I'm happy to say that it's more clear now WHERE on the site you happen to be. Happily, my little CSS trick has adapted to it quickly, but I made icon smaller to prevent it stealing space.

    Again, thanks to the Mbin contributors! There is a lot of work done already, and I feel confident with this fork of to improve one of the store fronts of Fediverse.

    vintprox Mod , (edited ) to dR Bulletin Board
    vintprox avatar

    Threads? Posts? I'm confused... | Kbin

    Terms "thread" and "post" are often used interchangeably on and across the , but, as a reader, you still would like to have some guideline.

    Threads are a primary tool of presenting information on Kbin. Think of a thread as a magazine clipping: you cut it out and proudly place on your wall. All you see from afar is a title and some preview image (if any). As you skim over the magazine and click on one such clipping, the entire thread opens before you, now including comments.

    Posts are a secondary thing on Kbin. But don't let it fool you: before long, you'll have a microblog of things to share. Yes, posts are usually viewed in the context of Microblog, the section adjacent to Threads. One can call post a micro-thread, of sorts. Unlike your run-of-the-mill thread, a post can present text without any pretence. Reader scrolls through Microblog and they can see contents/replies right away. While lengthy discussions may be collapsed to 1-2 recent replies, it's made so to let other posts shine. As a reader, you don't have to change pages to expand the post.

    • Use Threads to present a pertinent material.
    • Use Microblog to share any updates, tips and little stories.
    vintprox OP Mod ,
    vintprox avatar

    @joewilliams007 Mbin contributors have caught up and it seems we're not so far away from flairs/badges support!

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