This weekend I'm replacing my fuse boxes. And all sockets are provided with earth. This could cause some down-time. cover avatar


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

ernest , avatar

I'm currently working on solving this problem.

Quick April Update ( )

Hello everyone, I hope your holiday period passed peacefully. The status page is ready, and I'll soon put it online. I've also made some improvements to the new project website, which will be replaced shortly. Today, by the end of the day, two moderators will also appear, more about which will be in a separate post. You can...

/kbin logotype

/kbin another quick update ( )

Good morning, last week we managed to address pressing issues related to infrastructure. Thank you once again for your assistance, Piotr. I will continue work in this area, but it will be less invasive and cumbersome. I have restored the test environments and am slowly getting back into coding....

/kbin logotype

/kbin quick March update ( )

I'm slowly catching up with backlog tasks and cleaning up instances, but there's still quite a bit to do. Day by day, I'm managing to work longer hours, but I still need some time to ramp up the intensity of work. Just wanted to let you know that there might be brief downtimes in instance operation over the weekend. I aim to...

/kbin logotype

/kbin March update ( )

I'm feeling a bit better. Starting today, I'll be returning to work as much as possible. This week will likely be spent catching up on tasks, replying to emails, reading overdue comments, etc. I also need to work with Piotr on instance infrastructure. I'll be more actively handling spam as well, but it's clear that we need...

/kbin logotype

RE: Is Ernest still here? ( )

I check in here quite often, but for now, I'm just focusing on clearing spam and keeping the instance alive. In January, I was working on the AP module, and there has been significant progress in the work, which hasn't been publicly published yet. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the year, I developed a skin condition that...

RTR#52 Busy month ( )

This month, I managed to wrap up many overdue matters. It seems to me that I responded to the majority of lingering emails, and a few issues turned out to be so important that they took a few extra days. I also dealt with [a certain aspect related to the project, about which I'll be able to share more in a few weeks....

/kbin logotype

RTR#51 End of a short break ( )

Last week, I dealt with formalities related to the project and a few personal matters associated with the new year. Unfortunately, there was quite a lot to handle. Today is the last day I'm dealing with this, and I'm returning to the code for the regular devlogs. I'll also take care of current matters on the instance. On Tuesday...

/kbin logotype

RTR#50 Plans for the upcoming week ( )

Lately, I've been dealing with a slight fever associated with the beginning of the year. I'm trying to ensure that everything runs fairly smoothly. Today and tomorrow, I need to focus on planning finances for the upcoming year and handle formalities related to the project. In the following days, I'll implement changes to fix...

/kbin logotype

[UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of ( )

The main issues with the improper functioning of the instance have been resolved, but it led to additional complications. Currently, using the instance should be quite comfortable, but I will continue to work intensively on a comprehensive solution for the next few days. Therefore, occasional interruptions or errors may still...

/kbin logotype

Issues with the functioning of ( )

The issues that started occurring on Sunday turned out to be more serious than anticipated, extending beyond the application code. We are still working on resolving them to ensure the proper functioning of the website, but we need some more time. Apologies for any inconvenience.

/kbin logotype
ernest OP , avatar

I don't quite understand what you mean. The problem is that in such a case, it's challenging to provide a specific estimate. That's why I occasionally provide updates in case the work is prolonged. It seems to me that this is how it works. Issues arose without any interference in the code or infrastructure. I addressed hardware problems, but it turned out that wasn't the only issue. Throughout this entire period, I've been attempting to ensure that the instance operates as smoothly as possible. It should be significantly better now, but I'm still actively working on it. Unfortunately, taking a holiday break here doesn't help either.

ernest OP , avatar

Issues like the one that occurred are typically resolved within an hour, hence this post - mainly to quickly inform that work is underway on it. But you're right, I'll strive to improve communication in the future. Your examples gave me something to think about, thanks.

ernest , avatar

Yeah, It's true. Since Sunday, I've been noting errors that I'm still working on resolving. It doesn't make it easier that it's the post-holiday period, and due to travels and security measures, it's not the easiest task. I'm working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.

RTR#47 Silent tests are being conducted on the instance ( )

Quiet tests of the latest changes and patching of outstanding errors are ongoing on the instance. The remaining changes will be implemented by the end of the week. I have also completed all outstanding formalities related to the project and everyday matters. Starting from next week, work will pick up pace. Until then, I would...

/kbin logotype

RTR#46 Some tests on ( )

The weekend tasks are taking longer for me, I found another bug that causes a 500 error, I'm still working on it.. This evening and tomorrow, I will be testing the changes on the If there are any issues, please mention me in the post or contact me directly through the contact form.

ernest OP , avatar

Ah, there's one more thing I forgot. I would like adding a new post/thread to be done asynchronously to reduce client-side time, but this might extend to next week because even though I have the foundation prepared, I want to thoroughly test it.

ernest OP , avatar

Arghhh... Sorry, I replied with a longer message from my phone at that time - at least that's how it seemed to me. Now I've noticed that the response didn't send. In short, there must be an application account on the specific instance due to limits, but catch me on Matrix - we'll discuss it in detail.

RTR#43 Break time ( )

I just got back from a over five-hour walk with my dog. I had promised him that for a long time, and both of us really needed it ;-) Now, a quick lunch, and I still have an evening workout ahead of me. Today, I decided to take a break from coding, although I probably won't resist doing something, and at night I'll probably tweak...

/kbin logotype
ernest OP , avatar

This little guy. I won't take a current photo because even though it's quite snowy in Poland, he won't avoid any puddle or mud, so he temporarily changed color :p

ernest OP , avatar

I'd rather grab a nap there than him exploring new places ;)

Is there a maximum size for Kbin thumbnails to federate from other instances? ( )

Posting pictures from since I still have trouble uploading on Kbin, but sometimes the pictures don't appear as a thumbnail on Kbin regardless of how long I wait for it to federate. Clicking on it still opens the direct image link, but there's no thumbnail when scrolling past in the feed. Is there a max image size or...

/kbin logotype
ernest , avatar

By default, it's 11MB if I remember correctly. However, during the recent issues with the instance, we could modify this value at the server level. Once Piotr is back, I'll verify and restore the default values.

ernest , avatar

Hey, I will get back to this thread and the comments at the beginning of next week. I am able to quickly address some of the issues you mentioned in your post. Changes will undoubtedly be implemented gradually, but for now, the redesign of the ActivityPub module takes higher priority. Once that is completed, the development of the frontend part of the platfrom will truly pick up pace.

ernest , avatar

Additionally, the suspension of other work was a conscious decision on my part. I believe that the code at this stage needs to be deeply refactored, and that's exactly what I am doing. Solid foundations are the only option for the project to survive and grow in the long term, and to be properly scalable. Adding more blocks to what I have always considered a prototype (which forks do) makes no sense to me.

RTR#42 Working on federation and creating documentation ( )

Another day has passed for me working on code refactoring and federation development. In the process, I'm also creating better documentation that can be utilized for other apps integrations. I also had a few formalities related to the project to take care of today, and there are more to address tomorrow....

/kbin logotype
ernest OP , avatar

There are some tools there that I use for the development of the AP module. Among them is Yunohost, which allows for quickly creating test instances of many federated applications with just a few mouse clicks. It's a good choice for someone looking to embark on a self-hosting adventure.

Damaskox , to Mbin Blog Updates avatar

Anyone else not being able to find their comment in a thread?
I have a notification of two replies but I cannot find even my own comment let alone their replies.

ernest , avatar

@Damaskox Pagination? I plan to fix that in the coming days.

ernest , avatar

@Damaskox Could you send me the URL from the notification via private message, please?

RTR#40 Further planning of the ActivityPub module, something is happening regarding mobile apps ( )

Today marks the 40th day of the devlog, and the new federation module is expanding on the whiteboard. In Poland, the flu season is in full swing, and due to reasons beyond our control, we had to slightly postpone the launch of the API on Fortunately, @jwr1 reminded me that I had previously launched it on another...

/kbin logotype

Prototype for new Kbin app: Interstellar ( )

I've been working for the past week on a new kbin app. At the moment, it's just a prototype and only the "Feed" view has content (you can't sign into an account or post anything yet); you can see threads, thread images, thread comments, thread links, and thread votes/boosts. You can also change the "Theme Mode" and "Instance...

ernest , avatar

My priority is definitely the development of kbin-core, especially now that work on the app has started. For now, I prefer to focus my attention on adapting the API to the latest features. It may turn out to be necessary sooner than expected ;)

ernest , avatar

I feel that our visions for the project's development are too different for this to succeed. At this stage, it will definitely be better to work on our own things, /kbin is open source, so there is no issue with that. There are several reasons for this link, link

ernest OP , avatar

Sure thing, I've noted that some accounts are stuck in the queue for deletion. This typically applies to older accounts. I'm currently working on it, and everything should be functioning properly soon. Your request is in the queue. Sorry for that.

ernest , to Mbin Blog Updates avatar

@testing Can you repeat your tests regarding tags between kbin and other instances? It should be significantly better ;)

ernest OP , avatar

@testing Thanks for the summary. I will check those cases.

RTR#38 User profile, tag and search page filters, API deployment progress ( )

Today, we successfully addressed most of the recent issues on the instance. As the database continues to grow, proactive measures are essential to address and improve any weak points. The aggregate view introduced additional benefits, such as filters on the tag page and the search page, making implementation seamless through...

/kbin logotype
ernest OP , avatar

Oh, I must have missed your question, sorry. I'll answer it when I get back home.

RTR#37 Fixing bugs and further optimization work, continued ( )

Today, I addressed issues related to voting in the code. However, I'm currently facing infrastructure problems. Still, I'm doing everything I can to have all the changes deployed to the instance by the weekend. The federation stopped working for an hour today, but all actions were successfully restored from the queues. Over the...

/kbin logotype
ernest OP , avatar

The instance has been successfully updated. It should be a bit better in this regard. Changes to the user profile are also now visible.

ernest OP , avatar

Sorry, due to recent work, I missed a few notifications. Moderation tools have been consistently expanded over the past month. I have one more specific thing on the to-do list, and I just need to create a team of global moderators. This is my goal for the coming month. Further work on the ActivityPub module will also primarily involve improving communication between instances related to moderation.

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