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zib ,
zib avatar

As a developer, I find it pretty frustrating having to deal with constant hardware updates. By the time you get something released that takes advantage of the hardware you have, you're already at least a generation or two behind.

zib ,
zib avatar

This past weekend, I picked up a little wooden craft kit. All the pieces were pre-cut and I just had to glue and fit things together. I put it together yesterday and I can confirm, it was the most satisfying thing I've built in ages.

zib ,
zib avatar

I would pay good money for one of them to ask that exact question, but sadly, I'm a little too poor to buy my own SCOTUS justice. Maybe we could start a gofundme and crowdsource it?

Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done." ( lemmy.world )

She decided to kill the 14-month-old dog she was training to hunt birds when it attacked chickens, an understandable mistake for a young dog IMO, and bit her once when she grabbed it's collar (no word on how seriously). She killed a goat by shooting it twice because she didn't like it, calling it mean and smelly. Apparently...

zib ,
zib avatar

I heard about this woman, but didn't read up on the details for fear it would just depress me more. Now I wish I was still blissfully ignorant. She's a fucking psychopath. There are people spending their lives in prison for a whole lot less that what she's done.

US Supreme Court justices scrutinize Trump immunity claim ( www.reuters.com )

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Thursday quizzed lawyers for Donald Trump and Special Counsel Jack Smith about the former president's claim of immunity from prosecution for trying to undo his 2020 election loss, posing questions about what happens if a president sells nuclear secrets, takes a bribe or orders a coup or...

zib ,
zib avatar

What gets me is their whole reason for overturning Roe v Wade was because they claimed their job wasn't to legislate from the bench. The only thing the current SCOTUS does consistently is fuck the people.

zib ,
zib avatar

My cats are my family, so they have priority over most humans. This would only be a tough situation if it were between my cats and my best friend because I consider her to be family too. But, in that case, I would say screw the "you can only save one" mentality, I'd become like a mom who can lift a car off her baby, and somehow save them all.

zib ,
zib avatar

Consti... tution? Oh, do you mean that old scrape of parchment that republicans have been using as toilet paper for the last 20 years?

zib ,
zib avatar

I finished watching it yesterday. Personally, I loved it and this is the first negative thing I've heard about it.

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  • zib ,
    zib avatar

    I do not appreciate being called out like this.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    No shame in that, I also get the warm fuzzies when I see a nice installer.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    I highly recommend you check out the extended cut if you haven't seen it already. If nothing else, it's worth it just for the Iggy & Spike rap.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    Happy to help! It's on https://archive.org if you're interested in checking it out. Go search their movie database for "Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut".

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    If the theme was "so awful it's great", I think they may have nailed it.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    Done for both my 3DS and WiiU. Thanks for the heads up, I didn't realize the SpotPass shutdown was happening so soon, but I guess I'm not surprised.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    No worries! I was unaware of the announcement, so thanks for letting me know. I just re-uploaded dumps for both. Hopefully it's all good now.

    zib , (edited )
    zib avatar

    I'm beginning to think many of them joined up specifically for the the purpose of slaughtering children. It feels like they've even dropped the pretense of all Palestinians being Hamas - at least I don't hear them making that excuse all that much anymore. They seem to just enjoy the killing.

    EDIT: Apparently military service in Israel is mandatory. I guess murdering Palestinian children en masse is just a bonus.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    For me, it was Mandrake, I think it was back around 2000. I played so much Tux Racer on that machine. However, after they switched the branding to Mandriva, the OS started to run pretty poorly for me around that time. I stayed away from Linux entirely until around 10 years ago when I friend introduced me to Mint. It's been my main ever since, though I've played with others since then, like OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, and most recently, Debian and EndeavourOS.

    zib ,
    zib avatar

    I guess Paul Atreides will be journeying to save the world from Shinra and Sephiroth. That shit is gonna get weird.

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