@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar



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rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not an app, but here in Germany we have a public warning system that broadcasts an alert to all phones in an area in case of catastrophic events. Happened twice in my city since I moved here two years ago. Once for a mass shooting, and once for an accident at a chemical plant.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar


if (car.getDoorStatus() != "closed") {



rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

I hereby grant you the title of King Responsible.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

During the call: "The table is how much???"

Politicians and dog experts vilify South Dakota governor after she writes about killing her dog ( apnews.com )

Politicians and dog experts are criticizing South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem after she wrote in a new book about killing a rambunctious puppy. The story — and the vilification she received on social media — has some wondering whether she’s still a viable potential running mate for presumptive Republican presidential...

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

"I tried nothing, and I'm all out of ideas! *cocks gun*" - Kristi Noem

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

R is great for visualizations and also has some neat tools for building websites, interactive figures/maps, web apps, and stuff like that. So a lot of sculpting potential in R, if she manages to get into it far enough.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Their future mistakes notwithstanding, I can still appreciate the good work they're doing now.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

The polling numbers would be more meaningful if there were credible polls.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

There is also evidence that the AfD had Russian officials draft a strategy paper for them, which they used as a basis for writing their party program. They have a real kink for Daddy Putin.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Kannst du ausschließen, dass die Versicherungen in der Kreidezeit auch schon hohe Schadensmeldungen zu verzeichnen hatten? Dachte ich mir.

Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas ( apnews.com )

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is dropping a request for a Seattle hospital to hand over records regarding gender-affirming treatment potentially given to children from Texas as part of a lawsuit settlement announced Monday. ...

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

The party of States' Rights™ going outside of their states' jurisdiction to enforce state-level laws. All this work, and for what? To make a handful of people miserable, who found help at this particular hospital? For the legal precedent to make more people miserable?

Studie sieht deutlichen Rechtsruck: 22 Prozent der jungen Menschen würden AfD wählen ( www.tagesspiegel.de ) German

Die Autoren der Studie „Jugend in Deutschland 2024“ messen eine stark gestiegene Zustimmung für die AfD – sowie eine „tiefsitzende mentale Verunsicherung“ der jungen Generation....

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Competitive frolicking sounds like something I would watch.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Das "Technik wird in X reingespült" ist allgemein eine gute Beschreibung für das meiste, was hierzulande unter Digitalisierung läuft. Da wird dann lieber erstmal Hard- und Software angeschafft, ohne Sinn und Verstand, und diese Systeme stehen dann einem krassen Mangel an Sachverstand gegenüber, da es in den meisten öffentlichen Einrichtungen kaum jemanden gibt, der versteht, wie man sie richtig nutzt und langfristig pflegt. Es wird massenhaft Geld für Geräte und Lizenzen rausgeballert, aber fähiges Personal für deren Administration ist zu teuer.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Das ist bestimmt diese viel beschworene "Leitkultur".

Netzsperre für Wissenschaft: Größte deutsche Provider blockieren Sci-Hub ( netzpolitik.org ) German

Großes uff. Natürlich ist das, was scihub macht, illegal. Ethisch gesehen ist es aber zur heutigen Zeit absolut unabdingbar, wissenschaftliche Artikel kostenlos für alle Menschen auf der Welt zur Verfügung zu stellen. Da müsste der Staat sich um entsprechende Gesetze bemühen.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Vergiss nicht die Herausgeberinnen und deren Redaktion. Das beinahe komplette Personal, das die Manuskripte bei den Journals betreut, arbeitet entweder für lau oder gegen geringfügige Aufwandsentschädigungen. Und das wird dann verbucht unter "Dienst an der Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft" und zur Vorraussetzung für die Karriere erhoben, so als ob der Dienst nicht komplett bei privaten Verlagen verrichtet wird.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unapologetically spending your weekends like this benefits your productivity more than spending your weekends working.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

3b1b has got to be one of the best YouTube channels ever created. To make such consistent high-quality content on such a diverse set of topics is just amazing to me.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lange Haft droht... in 90 Tagessätze und 6 Monate auf Bewährung umgewandelt zu werden.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Daumen sind gedrückt!

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

"I bet you're wondering how I ended up here."

rustydrd , (edited )
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

I had the same feeling. In terms of contents, the examples seem to be fashioned after the Maslach Burnout Inventory but their description is a sometimes off and would fit depression better than burnout (which overlap, but the latter is work-specific). The MBI is also much more extensive and requires a more nuanced response to each example (not just yes/no).

Generally, you should never interpret these graphics as some kind of diagnosis. An actual diagnosis requires a trained therapist, who may use tools like the MBI to help with this but not as the sole foundation of the diagnosis.

Edit: The danger with these kinds of infographics is that they're simplified so much that basically anyone can recognize themselves in them. Most people feel at least some of these things occasionally. That's normal and doesn't automatically mean you're suffering from burnout.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Then again, am I really using these Haskell libraries? I just want to use pandoc. I love Arch, but the organization of the official repos is sometimes suboptimal.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Used pandoc-bin before and agree it's more compact, but I had some issues with citation management recently, so went back to standard pandoc.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Cookie-Banner sind eines dieser Dinge, von denen uns in 10 Jahren niemand mehr glauben wird, dass das Internet jemals so umständlich war (so wie damals, als man das Telefon auflegen musste, um ins Internet zu kommen).

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

noyb hat einige interessante Verfahren dazu am laufen. Hoffentlich passiert da bald was (und bis dahin Consent-O-Matic).

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

In his complaint, Lau argued it is discriminatory to keep artwork, like that of the Picasso painting displayed exclusively in the Ladies Lounge, away from he and other men who pay to enter the museum. (...) He’s asked for an apology from the museum and for men to either be allowed into the lounge or permitted to pay a discounted ticket price for the museum.

Kaechele and lawyers for the MONA rebutted by saying the exclusion of men is the point of the Ladies Lounge exhibit. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” Kaechele told the Guardian. “OK, they experience the artwork differently than women, but men are certainly experiencing the artwork as it’s intended.”

This is going to be much trickier than it seems based only on the headline. Both anti-discrimination laws and the freedom of art are very fundamental rights, and a decision that weighs these against each other will not be easy to reach (at least I would think so). Curious to see how this lands, although I expect that the museum will come out on top, because the disadvantage that this special exhibit poses to the man (the museum would even argue there is none) is probably not big or permanent enough to justify a restriction on the freedom of art as big as this would entail (and I guess the museum probably discussed this with their lawyer beforehand).

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

As long as my journey starts on a beach, I don't care what came before.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

If I were a JRR Tolkien or Herbert with a universe in my mind, it would be so much more pleasing to make an engine that generates anything from that world that to just write out a few stories from it.

Tolkien was a linguist with a deep fondness for nature and spirituality. He loved creating languages and building beautiful, natural worlds around them. I can't imagine a single person who would be less enamored by the idea of machinistic language devices that people use to "generate everything". I think he would be either bored by this possibility or deeply disturbed.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not gonna lie: When I started reading your comment, I was fairly sure this was gonna be some kind of Simpsons joke.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

The year is 2024, and we're all Frank Grimes now: https://youtu.be/axHoy0hnQy8

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Erinnert mich an letztes Jahr, als Vattenfall plötzlich anfing, uns Rechnungen und Mahnungen für angeblich nicht bezahlte Stromkosten zu schicken. Die Zählernummer ist nicht unsere, auch nicht die unserer Nachbarn, und bei Vattenfall bekommen wir keine Hilfe trotz mehrerer Anrufe. Stellt sich raus, dass unsere Hausverwaltung uns zusätzlich den Zähler eines neuen Mieters zugeordnet hat, als der am anderen Ende der Stadt in eine ihrer Wohnungen zog.

Richtig ärgerlich an solchen Situationen ist, dass man als Mieter keine Kontrolle hat, sich alle Informationen selber suchen muss, und die Personen, die daran Schuld sind, häufig nicht einmal ein Problembewusstsein zeigen.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Boromir, Theoden, Denethor all die. They may each have weaknesses and personal struggles, but none of them are evil.

Also Bilbo and Frodo leaving for the Undying Lands always felt like they died to me, leaving everything they knew behind without ever being able to see it again. Same with the Elves "fading" and slowly departing from Middle Earth, which I also interpret as an allegory of death (this being the closest they come to it from a mortal perspective).

Reading LotR always felt profoundly bittersweet to me, and that's one of the main reasons I love these books.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Genius-level writing. Truly a masterpiece.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

That's Broadway Tower, an 18th century folly in Worcestershire, England.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well done, totally stealing this.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Great news. Although it's bizarre that it took an entire continent passing a new law to get to this point.

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ich glaube viele Menschen neigen dazu, Friedrich Merz aufgrund seiner gesellschaftlichen Stellung zu überschätzen. Der kompensiert in meinen Augen mit Skrupellosigkeit, was andere ihm in Klugheit und Charakter voraus haben. In Richtung "er müsste es doch besser wissen" würde ich mir daher nicht allzu viel von ihm erhoffen.

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