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mesamunefire ,

The pics look terrible on the inside. Just a touch screen no other controls. No thanks.

mesamunefire ,

Theres a reason retro consoles are a huge hit right now. Even emulation consoles like the Miyoo Mini Plus.

mesamunefire ,

It's not kuberneties, but I run a family sized yunohost. It's great at installing and updating webapps. They have an awesome selection of federation apps like mastodon, writefreely, misskey, bookwyrm, and more.

For less than 5 users, I personally don't need kub, but it f I were to scale I would probably go that direction.

mesamunefire ,

I feel this. At my last job, there were many meetings I didn't think were useful in addition of software change just for the sake of change. Package.json errors everywhere. Small issues with docker to fix all day.

mesamunefire ,

Loving dungeon. I liked the manga as well so it's so cool to see what they are doing with the series.

mesamunefire ,

A Dead whistleblower should now be called a Boeing.

mesamunefire ,

Mastodon and bookwyrm pretty regularly.

Peertube once in a while.

mesamunefire ,

Fdroid is my favorite. But yeah the app store is having some issues.

mesamunefire ,

I've never received a job directly from it, but I've had prospective employers search my profile.

mesamunefire ,

It's been a while though...I hope it's coming soon.

mesamunefire ,

It works well on the he steamdeck....with a lot of fiddling with the controls. This is amazing in the level of detail and gameplay. And it's free wow.

mesamunefire ,

My biggest issue is the amount of buttons and the mapping. Other than that, the tutorial dies di a decent job at teaching the player. I believe there is a way to skip the tutorial but others would have to comment on that.

mesamunefire ,

Super indie kart is also great and has a very similar feel to it.

mesamunefire ,

They made fun of it in generations.

mesamunefire ,

The retro-gaming community is pretty cool.

mesamunefire ,

True their competition is actually getting much better whereas they just throw BS at you nowadays. It's unfortunate but Google is no longer my go-to for searching.

mesamunefire ,

I agree, I want the dumbest ev possible. I'm a software dev and the last thing I want is a touch screen attached to a car you can't replace plus a battery you can't replace.

mesamunefire ,

Once you find some, feel free to put some reviews on bookwyrm.

mesamunefire ,

Repairable earbuds are now here, so that's pretty cool.

It's not for me because I like wired but it's much better than apples.

mesamunefire ,

Personally I like the muse headphones. Absolutely fantastic range for the price and if you are actually looking for audio quality + repairable they are great. The build quality is also top notch and compare with the $500+ range headphones. I don't like how apples sound tbh. For that price it should sound better.

For everything else I just get wired or target brand wireless. The target brand for less than 10$ has lasted over 4 years lol.

mesamunefire OP ,

I was just able to compile the project. The comments on the asm are kinda amazing. It's really detailed.

mesamunefire ,

Reminds me of what bitwise industries management did to their employees and customers.

mesamunefire ,

Theres quite a few sites that still use it and existing ones in the Fediverse have it built in (which is really cool). But your right, the general public have no concept of having something download and queue up on a service rather than just going to the site. And the RSS clients are all over the place with quality...

mesamunefire ,

That's going to mess up a lot of Google searches.

mesamunefire ,

Local government is also having this issue. Lots of cities don't have the resources so will probably throw a lot at gpt...which means a very large attack vector.

YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream ( )

While it is no secret that exploitative practices are interlaced with capitalistic tendencies, the practices are becoming intolerable. Signing up to pay usually takes only two clicks that are prominently visible whereas cancelation options are hidden away in deep settings requiring multiple clicks. Pricing often feel arbitrary...

mesamunefire ,

You can't cancel T-Mobile on their site, they require you to call. Even then I got no email verification nor letter about the cancellation. Cool...

michaelc , to RetroGaming avatar

@retrogaming Wesnoth on the miyoo mini plus.


mesamunefire ,

Looks like comments dont work from a mastodon post. Oh well.

If anyone wants to take a look: Big shout out to XK and Vitty85 on discord for helping me and doing a majority of the work.

mesamunefire ,

It's a fun little console. Onion works really well.

mesamunefire ,

I've used nextcloud with a dedicated folder before. Steamdeck and miyoo mini works with it well. That or good old fashioned sd card, look for .sav then push all into another drive.

mesamunefire ,

Game vault looks cool!

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