This weekend I'm replacing my fuse boxes. And all sockets are provided with earth. This could cause some down-time.

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Rottcodd , avatar

Personally, the main thing I want is for all of the pissers and moaners to go away, so the rest of us can just enjoy this place in peace. And that'd take some of the pressure off of Ernest, which would be good for him and, in the long run, good for the instance. You can all move to mbin - it was pretty much built by and for concern trolls and drama llamas, so you should be right at home there.

Yeah - this place has its issues. That's the way it goes on what basically amounts to a hobbyist platform on a decentralized system. And it's part of why I have multiple accounts scattered around the threadiverse - when one is having problems, that likely just means I'll use it less until things settle down, which is fine. It's not like I'm paying for any of this.

I like this interface and I like Ernest. That's enough for me.

dumples , avatar

Agreed. If you want to leave just leave. There's plenty of instances to join. I'm staying for now

Hyperreality ,

Or create your own instance:

This is was the original plan anyway. Not that everyone should join

BaldProphet , avatar

Unfortunately, hosting your own instance of kbin can be extremely expensive, even for a single user. It uses a ton of storage.

FarraigePlaisteach , avatar

The problem is that we can’t leave. We’ve requested for our accounts to be deleted a long time ago. It’s not our fault that we’re still waiting.

bluGill ,

Nothing stops you from leaving. Just abandon the account and leave. In fact I'd think you want to change the password to something very long and leave the account so nobody else can take your username on this platform.

Drusas OP ,

Did you even read the post? The point is I don't want to leave. I like kbin, but I can't use it if it doesn't work.

sab , avatar seems to be a nice kbin instances ran by the guy behind the Interstellar app, in case you want another kbin instance!

I do agree with you though - is a lovely place but it's large enough that it needs a proper moderation team.

Drusas OP ,

Pointing out actual flaws and asking for change is not pissing and moaning.

Rottcodd , avatar

Yes, it in fact is.

Ernest doesn't owe you a fucking thing. He's not your employee.

Drusas OP ,

You clearly missed the entire gist of this post and thread. So I'm just going to leave it there.

ProdigalFrog , avatar

Could you give some examples of why it would be bad to have more community moderators, and maybe one or two extra admins? It seems like that would only strengthen Kbin. The moderators could fight the spam effectively, and the new admins could handle managing the busywork of the website while Ernest codes.

It seems like it would be an absolute win all around?

Rottcodd , avatar

I didn't say anything at all about moderators or admins. My point is very narrow and specific - I want the concern trolls and drama llamas - the people who post threads like this one - to fuck off. I'm tired of them pissing and moaning because this new, free, making-it-up-as-we-go-along forum doesn't live up to their expectations. Fuck 'em. Ernest doesn't owe them anything and if they're so unhappy, all they have to do is get the fuck out, then they won't have to deal with the place and the rest of us won't have to deal with them.

That is "an absolute win all around."

Drusas OP ,

The funniest thing about this is that you are the one pissing and moaning the most in this thread.

ProdigalFrog , avatar

I didn't say anything at all about moderators or admins.

That's what everyone here is discussing, that's what the OP of this thread is talking about. You're calling people who are correctly pointing out that Kbin needs more mods and admins, with the stated goal of REDUCING Ernest's administrative burdens and stress, Drama llamas and trolls, and telling them to fuck off.

What on earth dude.

melroy Admin ,
melroy avatar

Mbin was created to get kbin to the next level.

Rottcodd , avatar


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